Live Education Quiz

9th Computer Science Chapter3 Office Automation

Sr #QuestionsABCD

Which of the following is an example of a collaboration tool used in Office Automation?

Antivirus software Chat application Video editing software Graphic design software

What is the role of a database management system (DBMS) in Office Automation?

Creating animations Managing and organizing data in databases Designing websites Editing videos

Which of the following command is used to apply formatting to one or more cells based on the valu of the cell?

Data validation Data filtering conditional formatting Data manipulation

Which of the following is not a feature of an office suite software?

Word processing Database management 3D modeling Presentation creation

Which software application is used for managing and organizing data in tabular form?

Word PowerPoint Excel Access

What is the primary purpose of Office Automation?

Entertainment Automation of office tasks Outdoor activities None of the above

Which tool in a word processing software is used to check the spelling and grammar of a document?

Format Painter Spell Checker Clipboard Word Count

Which of the following command in excel allows the user to view only certain data in a Worksheets based on a condition?

Date validation Data Filtering Conditionals formatting Data manipulation

What is the function of a spreadsheet application in Office Automation?

Creating slideshows Analyzing and manipulating data Editing images Sending emails

What is used for creating decorative effects in word?

Paragraph formatting Text formatting Page Formatting WordArt

Which of the following tab of world ribbon contains clipboard group?

Page layout insert file home

By default how many tabs are there in word ribbon?

7 8 9 10